sábado, 1 de março de 2008

Fake plastic trees

Grey clones turning to dust
A product of the system
A product of lust.
All walking into the same dirty end
Wasting all the same weak dreams.
Just another future I can't stand.
Ripping photographs just like they were glass
Forgetting memories way too fast
Losing my sight, as the wind rolls my eyes...
All the tries... we're not enough...
All what's left is passed grey skies.
Ans as I watch the time passing by,
the clock ticks my sanity away...
Nothimg more to do, nothing more to say.
One more ripped photogaphy
Another raped memory.
in my head, fears. Just like tears
in my veins.

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

não precisavas correr meio mundo... sempre ali estive :)